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FY-VT01 Camera Drone Will Help China Railway with Railway Construction
FY-VT01 Camera Drone Will Help China Railway with Railway Construction
2019-04-19 Publish


On April 15, at the invitation of China Railway Fourth Bureau, Feiyu drone team came to Hefei China Railway Group Co., Ltd. in Anhui. During the trip, Feiyu UAV carried the latest product "FY-VT01 Vertical Landing and Unmanned Drone", which is also the product expected by the China Railway Fourth Bureau. In the subsequent product display and aerial survey application, it showed the advantages of hovering, long range flying and easy to use, and built a cooperation bridge for Feiyu and China Railway Fourth Bureau.


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The conventional fixed-wing UAV has the characteristics of long flight time and fast flight speed, but it has higher requirements for using the threshold and landing site. Multi-rotor UAVs have the characteristics of being able to take off and land vertically, but the endurance time is usually within 20-30 minutes, and the flight speed is slow. It is inefficient to carry out large-area aerial photography.

The VT01 is a product that combines the advantages of a multi-rotor UAV and a fixed-wing UAV. It can take off and land vertically in a multi-rotor mode and switch to fixed-wing mode cruise during flight. Together with the design of the tilting rotor, it can reduce the structurally unnecessary weight and further enhance the aircraft's voyage.


The supporting GCS ground station software is tailor-made for engineers. Users do not need professional training. They only need to experience 5 minutes to get started quickly and plan the flight route of the drone.



From assembly to flight, the user does not need to adjust and check the whole process. The GCS software can automatically detect and analyze the current status of the drone, and can identify possible problems in advance to alert the user, aiming to reduce the user's usage threshold and increase The safety factor and user experience of the entire drone system.



The two sides held talks on the application of VT01 vertical takeoff and landing drones in railway and highway construction and other projects. During the talks, the leaders of the two sides exchanged many opinions and suggestions, and placed great hopes on VT01, and the two sides reached strategic cooperation in the development and application of drones.


On April 16th, the Feiyu drone team followed the technical staff of China Railway Fourth Bureau to come to the third contract project manager of Xintaizhitaierzhuang (Lusujie) Highway-Xintai Section in Linyi, Shandong Province, planning to use VT01. Shoot a section of the road that is 15km long.




From 14:00 to 18:30 in the afternoon, it lasted for 4 and a half hours. The four-segment route had a total of 4 flights, with a total flight mileage of about 259km and a shooting coverage of about 15km, which successfully completed the aviation mission of the industry.


The high-precision, high-efficiency, low-cost, low-threshold detection scheme consisting of VT01 and supporting GCS has been approved by China Railway Fourth Bureau, and will be applied to highway construction monitoring and other aspects, saving time and effort, making the industry smarter and more efficient. . The future is the era of artificial intelligence. UAVs have demonstrated outstanding capabilities in surveying and mapping, disaster area investigation, high-voltage cables and agricultural and forestry inspections. They have a wide application space, and Feiyu UAV will continue to provide more Efficient detection program.

